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Configuring User Authentication


About User Authentication

Configuring User Authentication

User Code Authentication

Basic Authentication

Specifying Basic Authentication

Authentication Information Stored in the Address Book

Specifying Login User Names and Passwords

Specifying Login Details

Windows Authentication

Specifying Windows Authentication

Installing Internet Information Services (IIS) and Certificate Services

Creating the Server Certificate

If the Fax Number Cannot be Obtained

LDAP Authentication

Printer Job Authentication

Printer Job Authentication Levels

Printer Job Types

Auto Registration to the Address Book

Automatically Registered Address Book Items

User Lockout Function

Specifying the User Lockout Function

Canceling Password Lockout

Auto Logout

Quick Card Authentication

Configuring Quick Card Authentication

Changing the Card Reader Settings

Registering an IC Card or a Smart Device to a User Registered in the Address Book

Configuring User Priority Settings

Authentication Using an External Device