User GuideIM 350/430 series

LAN-Fax Result Report

If [Email TX results] is set to [Notify], if there be any insufficient configurations on this machine, the Email TX results or LAN-Fax result notification e-mail is not transmitted, and the TX results report or LAN-Fax Result Report is printed. If the [Email TX results] has not been set to on, the LAN-Fax Result Report is printed.

Whether or not the LAN-Fax Result Report is printed, can be configured with User Parameter (Switch 20, bit 0) in the Fax Features menu. See Parameter Settings.


  • When executing [Send] or [Send & Print] with LAN-Fax Driver, and when the E-mail TX Result Report has not arrived, the Communication Result Report is printed. For details about Communication Result Report, see Communication Result Report (Memory Transmission).