User GuideIM 350/430 series

Checking Results of LAN-Fax Transmissions

You can use the following methods:

Using the e-mail notification function

If a communication completes successfully, a transmission result notification e-mail is sent from the machine to a specified e-mail address.

If an error occurs during communication between your machine and a computer, or if the sent data is printed, a LAN-Fax result notification e-mail is sent to a specified e-mail address.

For details, see the LAN-Fax Driver Help.

Using a web browser

You can check information about files sent using a LAN-Fax Driver by using a web browser from a networked computer. (Use Web Image Monitor, which is installed on the machine.)

The job history may differ from the machine's transmission results. In that case, the machine's transmission results have precedence.

For details, see Web Image Monitor Help.

This section explains the settings required to receive a LAN-Fax result notification e-mail.

Specify Sender’s E-mail Address for a LAN-Fax Result Notification E-mail

According to the settings on the machine, there are two methods to specify a sender's e-mail address for a LAN-Fax result notification e-mail. One is that you need to specify the sender's e-mail address on the LAN-Fax driver, and the other is that you can omit specifying it.

  • The default setting for [Auto Specify Sender Name] in [File Transfer] under [System Settings] is set to [Off]. If [Off] is set, the machine does not specify the sender's name automatically so that specifying the sender's name in the LAN-Fax driver is necessary. Specify the e-mail address for the sender to receive a LAN-Fax result notification e-mail. In [Sender No.:] on the [User Settings] tab in the LAN-Fax driver. To specify a sender, enter the address number that is registered to the machine.

  • If you do not want to specify the sender's name, set [Auto Specify Sender Name] in [File Transfer] under [System Settings] to [On]. If [On] is set, the machine specifies the sender's name automatically so that specifying the sender's name on a LAN-Fax driver is unnecessary. Therefore, you can omit the procedure in [Sender No.:] on the [User Settings] tab in the LAN-Fax driver. If you do not specify a sender procedure, the sender of the LAN-Fax result notification e-mail is the administrator's e-mail address.


  • If there be any insufficient configurations of the Internet Fax or e-mail transmission on this machine, or if [Auto Specify Sender Name] is set to [Off], the Email TX results or LAN-Fax result notification e-mail is not transmitted, and the TX results report or LAN-Fax Result Report is printed. See "Settings Needed for Each Function", Setup for the Internet Fax settings, and see LAN-Fax Result Report for the LAN-Fax Result Report.

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