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Copy Output Locations

Two types of copy output locations are available.


Prints are delivered through the front paper output exit at the front of the machine.

When copying sizes up to A1Landscape, we recommend selecting front copy output.


Prints are delivered through the rear paper output exit at the back of the machine.

When copying A1Portrait or A0Portrait, select rear copy output.

The table below shows you how many sheets can be stacked.

Plain paper

Translucent paper

Upper copy output (A1Landscape or smaller)

99 sheets

10 sheets

Lower copy output (A1Portrait or A0Landscape)

10 sheets

1 sheet


  • If paper is jammed between the fusing rollers, pull it out to the front to remove it.

  • If copies exceed the upper limit, paper jams may occur. Remove the copies from the stacker.

  • When copying onto film, hold the leading edge of the copied film, remove it from the stacker, and then place it on a level surface.