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Deleting a Locked Print File

When there is a Locked Print file stored in the printer, “Locked Print Job Press OK” appears on the printer's control panel display.

Locked Print Job    
Press OK            

Use the following procedure to delete a Locked Print file. You do not need to enter a password to delete a Locked Print file.

1When the Locked Print message is displayed, press the [OK] key.

OK key illustration

2Press the [Up arrow key][Down arrow key] keys to select the file you want to delete, and then press the [OK] key.

Locked Print:       
HH:MM User ID       

"HH:MM" is the time when the Locked Print file was stored, and "User ID" is the ID entered using the printer driver.

3Press the [Up arrow key][Down arrow key] keys to select [Delete Job], and then press the [OK] key.

4Press the [Up arrow key][Down arrow key] keys to select [Execute], and then press the [OK] key.

The Locked Print file is deleted.

If there are Locked Print files/logs remaining in the printer, the display returns to the list of Locked Print files/logs. If there are none remaining, the display returns to the initial screen.


  • Use the following keys to cancel operation:

    • [Escape]: Cancels the operation and returns the display to the previous screen.

    • [Menu]: Cancels the operation and returns the display to the initial screen.