User GuideIM 550/600 series

Erasing Shadows and Frame Boarder from a Book-type Original

When scanning a thick book-type original or an original with punch-holes, you can erase the shadows that appear in the center or around the edges.

Illustration of erasing the shadows

1Press [Scanner] on the Home screen.

Operation panel screen illustration

2Press [Send Settings][Erase Center/Border] on the scanner screen.

Operation panel screen illustration

3Select the region to erase and then proceed to the next screen.

Operation panel screen illustration

4Enter the width of the shadow to erase and then press [OK].

5Placing an Original on the Exposure Glass

Placing an Original to Scan

7To send the scanned document to an e-mail address, press [Sender] and then specify the sender.

8Specify the destination, and press [Start].