User GuideIM 350/430 series

Linking the URL of the downloaded Help

You can link the URL of the Help file on a computer or Web server to the Help button (Icon illustrationIcon illustration) on Web Image Monitor controlled from networked computers. (Web Image Monitor is a management tool installed on this machine to monitor this machine or configure settings for this machine by using a web browser.)

If you save the Help files on your hard disk, you must access them directly - you cannot link to them using the Help button (Icon illustrationIcon illustration).

1Start a web browser from a networked computer, and then log in to Web Image Monitor in the administrator mode.

For details on how to access in the administrator mode, see Displaying Top Page and Access in the Administrator Mode.

2In the menu area, click [Configuration] on the [Device Management] menu.

3Under "Webpage", click [Webpage].

4In the [Set Help URL Target] box, enter the URL of the Help file.

If you saved the Help file to "\\Server_A\HELP\EN", enter "file: \\Server_A\HELP\". For example, if you saved the file to a Web server, and the URL of the index file is "http:// a.b.c.d/HELP/EN/index.html", enter "http://a.b.c.d/HELP/".

5Click [OK].

6“Updating...” appears. Wait for about 1 or 2 minutes, and then click [OK].