User GuideIM 350/430 series

Displaying Top Page

This section explains the Top Page and how to display Web Image Monitor controlled from networked computers. (Web Image Monitor is a management tool installed on this machine to monitor this machine or configure settings for this machine by using a web browser.)

If user authentication is activated, you are required to enter your login user name and password to use Web Image Monitor. For Details, "Logging In/Out Using Web Image Monitor", For First-time Users.


  • When entering an IPv4 address, do not begin segments with zeros. For example: If the address is "", you must enter it as "".

1Start a web browser from a networked computer.

2Enter "http://(machine's IP address or host name)/" in your web browser's URL bar.

Top Page of Web Image Monitor appears.

If the machine's host name has been registered on the DNS or WINS server, you can enter it.

When setting SSL, a protocol for encrypted communication, under environment which server authentication is issued, enter "https://(machine's IP address or host name)/".

Web Image Monitor is divided into the following areas:

Web browser screen illustration numbered callout illustration
  1. Menu area

    If you select a menu item, its content will be shown.

  2. Header area

    Display icons for the links to Help and the keyword search function. This area also displays [Login] and [Logout], which allows you to switch between the administrator and guest mode.

  3. Refresh/Help

    Icon illustration (Refresh): Click Icon illustration at the upper right in the work area to update the machine information. Click the web browser's [Refresh] button to refresh the entire browser screen.

    Icon illustration (Help): Use Help to view or download Help file contents.

  4. Basic Information area

    Display the basic information of the machine.

  5. Work area

    Display the contents of the item selected in the menu area.