User GuideIM 350/430 series

Managing Print Volume per User

This function specifies print volume limits for each user. If the number of the print volumes each user can specify reach the maximum, the print jobs are canceled and a message indicating the print volume has reached the maximum is displayed.

If you enable Central Management, you can specify whether or not to use Central Management to manage the volume of printouts. For details about Central Management, see "Administrator Tools", Settings.

Print volume

The print volume is calculated by multiplying the number of pages by a unit count.

The unit count can be specified according to the printing condition. For example, if 1 page is printed with a unit count of 10, the print volume would be 10.

The print volume is tracked for each user.

Setting items




Machine action when limit is reached

Specify whether to limit print volumes and the method for limiting prints.

  • Stop Job

    When the print volume reaches its maximum, both the current job and waiting jobs are canceled.

  • Finish Job and Limit

    When the print volume reaches its maximum, the current job is completed but waiting jobs are canceled.

  • Allow Continue Use

    Specifies no limitation for print volumes.

When Central Management is enabled and "Print Volume Use Limitation" is set to [Manage Centrally] on the management server, the setting on the management server is applied to the managed clients.

  • Stop Job

  • Finish Job and Limit

  • Allow Continue Use (Default setting)

Print Volume Use Limitation: Unit Count Setting

You can specify the limits for the print volume per user under the following 2 conditions.

  • Copier

  • Printer

Even when Central Management is enabled, the setting on the machine used for printing is applied.

0 to 200

(The default per-page unit count for every print condition is 1.)

Notes for print volume limits

If the following occurs, printing is not possible:

  • The login user name or user code registered in the Address Book is changed while the user is logged in and authenticated.

If the following occurs, print volume management will not function correctly:

  • Under Windows or LDAP authentication, a user logs in to the same user account by using multiple login user names, and these multiple login names are registered in the Address Book as separate users.

Print volume limits are not applied to the following operations:

  • Printing from an operating system that does not support the current authentication method

  • Printing data using the Mail to Print function, received faxes, LAN-Fax data, and files stored using the fax function

When User Code authentication is enabled, the following restrictions apply to print volume limit settings:

  • If [Printer: PC Control] is selected for the printer function, the values specified for print volume use units might not be applied to users' print counters. Do not select [Printer: PC Control] if you want to specify print volume limits when User Code authentication is enabled.

  • Under Basic, Windows, and LDAP authentication, figures displayed on the top right of the control panel indicate the total volumes the administrator specifies for the user to print. Under User Code authentication, users by themselves cannot check the total print volume by using either the control panel or Web Image Monitor controlled from networked computers. (Web Image Monitor is a management tool installed on this machine to monitor this machine or configure settings for this machine by using a web browser.) In this case, users need to ask administrators about the total print volume.

  • No log data about print use limits is recorded in the Job Log or Access Log.

  • Depending on the settings configured for User Code authentication, users might be able to print before logging in, regardless of the print volume limits set by the administrator. Restrict all functions via "Functions to Restrict" in [User Code Auth.] in [User Authentication Management].