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Installation under Windows Server 2016

1On the Start screen, click [Server Manager].

2On the [Dashboard] menu, click [Add Roles and Features].

3Click [Next>].

4Select [Role-based or feature-based installation], and then click [Next>].

5Select a server, and then click [Next>].

6Select the "Active Directory Certificate Services" and "Web Server (IIS)" check boxes, and then click [Next>].

If a confirmation message appears, click [Add Features].

7Check the features you want to install, and then click [Next>].

8Read the content information, and then click [Next>].

9Make sure that [Certification Authority] is selected in the [Role Services] area, and then click [Next>].

10Read the content information, and then click [Next>].

11Check the role services you want to install under [Web Server], and then click [Next>].

12Click [Install].

13After completing the installation, click the Server Manager's Notification icon OS screen illustration, and then click [Configure Active Directory Certificate Services on the destination server].

14Click [Next>].

15Click [Certification Authority], and then click [Next>].

16Select [Enterprise CA], and then click [Next>].

17Select [Root CA] , and then click [Next>].

18Select [Create a new private key], and then click [Next>].

19Select a cryptographic provider, key length, and hash algorithm to create a new private key, and then click [Next>].

20In "Common name for this CA:", enter the Certificate Authority name, and then click [Next>].

21Select the validity period, and then click [Next>].

22Set the "Certificate database location:" and the "Certificate database log location:" settings to their defaults, and then click [Next>].

23Click [Configure].

24If the message "Configuration succeeded" appears, click [Close].