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Print job screen

You can print stored documents by selecting a job from the list by job type or by User Name.

Press [Prt.Jobs] in the initial screen to display Locked Print Jobs.

Operation panel screen illustration

To select a document, press [Job List] to open the document list screen or press [UserName] to open the user ID list screen.

Document list screen

Operation panel screen illustration numbered callout illustration

  1. Screen page number display

    Displays the document information on a single page for each stored document. Press [Down arrow key] [Up arrow key] keys to switch between screens.

  2. User ID, Date

    Displays the user ID that is specified in the printer driver, and the date the document was sent from a computer for printing.

  3. [Delete]

    Deletes the displayed document.

  4. [Print]

    Prints the displayed document.

User ID List screen

Operation panel screen illustration numbered callout illustration

  1. Screen page number display

    Displays the current page number. Press [Down arrow key] [Up arrow key] keys to switch between screens.

  2. User ID

    Displays the user ID that is specified in the printer driver.

  3. [Job List]

    Display the print document list screen of the selected user ID.

  4. [PrintAll]

    Prints the document of the selected user ID that.


  • The display is not updated when a new document is added while the document list or user ID list is being displayed. To update the display, press the [Menu] or [Escape] key to return to the initial screen, and then press [Prt.Jobs] again.