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Parameter Settings

User Parameters allow you to customize various settings to suit your needs. To change function settings, set the User Parameter Switches.

Switches and Bits

Each User Parameter has a set of switches, and each of the switches consist of eight bits, whose values are "0" or "1". The right most bit is bit 0 and the left most is bit 7. You can adjust the settings to match your needs by switching the value of bits between "0" and "1".

  • Switch 02

















User Parameter Switches are outlined as follows:

Switch: 02, Bit: 0

Forwarding Mark

  • 0: Off

  • 1: On

See Forwarding Mark.

Switch: 02, Bit: 3

Switch: 03, Bit: 0

Automatic printing of the Communication Result Report

  • 0: Off

  • 1: On

See Communication Result Report (Memory Transmission).

Switch: 03, Bit: 2

Automatic printing of the Memory Storage Report

  • 0: Off

  • 1: On

See Checking the Result of Storing Documents in Memory (Memory Storage Report).

Switch: 03, Bit: 3

Whether or not to print the SEP Code RX Reserve Report automatically

  • 0: Off

  • 1: On

See SEP Code RX Reserve Report.

Switch: 03, Bit: 4

Whether or not to print the SEP Code RX Result Report automatically

  • 0: Off

  • 1: On

See SEP Code RX Result Report.

Switch: 03, Bit: 5

Automatic printing of the Immediate TX Result Report

  • 0: Off

  • 1: On

See Immediate TX Result Report (Immediate Transmission).

Switch: 03, Bit: 7

Automatic printing of the journal

  • 0: Off

  • 1: On

See Print Journal.

Switch: 04, Bit: 0

Automatic printing of the Confidential File Report

  • 0: Off

  • 1: On

See Confidential File Report.

Switch: 04, Bit: 1

Automatic printing of Communication Failure Report and SUB Code Transfer Report

  • 0: Off

  • 1: On

See Communication Failure Report and SUB Code Transfer Report.

Switch: 04, Bit: 4

Switch: 04, Bit: 5

Switch: 04, Bit: 7

Switch: 05, Bit: 0

Receive Service Call (SC) Condition (Substitute Reception during service call)

  • 0: Possible (Substitute RX)

  • 1: Not possible (Reception off)

Switch: 05, Bit: 2, 1

Substitute the reception when the machine cannot print (because paper is jammed, all paper trays have run out of paper, toner is empty, or all paper trays are out of order)

  • 00: Enabled Unconditionally (Free)

  • 01: Enabled when Own Name/Own Fax Number is received

  • 10: Enabled for Closed Network Code match

  • 11: Disabled (Reception off)

See Substitute Reception.

Switch: 05, Bit: 5

Print sheet is limited to that which has highest priority (Just size printing)

  • 0 : Off

  • 1 : On

See Just size printing.

Switch : 05, Bit: 7

Empty tray alert (Paper Empty Warning) even when one paper tray is empty

  • 0: Off

  • 1: On

See "Messages Displayed When You Use the Facsimile Function", Troubleshooting.

Switch: 06, Bit: 0

Specify the order of the information shown under "Destination" in the Journal, the Immediate TX Result Report, and on the [Transmission File Status] screen for fax transmission.

  • 0: Gives priority to the destination machine's information

    <Priority Order>

    1. Name registered to the destination machine

    2. Fax number registered to the destination machine

    3. Name registered to the Address Book

    4. Entered fax number

  • 1: Gives priority to the Address Book information

    <Priority Order>

    1. Name registered to the Address Book

    2. Entered fax number

    3. Name registered to the destination machine

    4. Fax number registered to the destination machine

See the following:

Viewing the Transmission Result

Immediate TX Result Report (Immediate Transmission)

Journal Region A icon(mainly Europe and Asia)

Journal Region B icon(mainly North America)

Switch: 06, Bit: 1

Specify whether or not G3-1 communication conforms to Super G3.

  • 0: Off

  • 1: On

Switch: 07, Bit: 2

Parallel Memory Transmission

  • 0: Off

  • 1: On

See Parallel Memory Transmission.

Switch: 08, Bit: 2

Authorized Reception Type

  • 0: Receive from specified senders only

  • 1: Receive all documents except from specified senders

See Authorized Reception per Sender.

Switch: 10, Bit 0

Restrict control panel operations such as printing or deleting received documents.

  • 0: Off

  • 1: On

Switch: 10, Bit: 1

Combine two originals

  • 0: Off

  • 1: On

See Combine Two Originals.

Switch: 10, Bit: 6

Use both e-mail notification and printed reports to confirm the transmission result

  • 0: Off

  • 1: On

See Printing the Transmission Result and Sending It by E-Mail.

Switch: 10, Bit: 7

Specify whether to print the received document and delete it or print a report and delete the document when a storage failure occurs.

  • 0: Print the received document and delete it

  • 1: Print a report and delete the document

See Specifying fax auto deletion or reception stop in the event of storage failure.

Switch: 11, Bit: 2

Detect and report nearly blank documents when scanning.

  • 0: Off

  • 1: On

See Detecting Blank Pages.

Switch: 11, Bit: 5

Depending on [Reception File Settings], the machine prints or stores documents that are forwarded according to the Program Special Sender setting in Fax Features.

  • When [Store] is set to [Off] in Reception File Settings, the machine prints the forwarded documents.

  • When [Store] is set to [On] and [Print] is set to [Off], the machine stores them.

  • When both [Store] and [Print] are set to [On], the machine stores and prints them.

  • 0: Off

  • 1: On

See Forwarding per Sender.

Switch: 14, Bit: 0

Print document received in Auto Power-On Reception (Night Printing mode)

  • 0: Print immediately

  • 1: Print when canceling sleep mode

See Auto Fax Reception Power-Up.

Switch: 14, Bit: 1

Whether or not to scan long originals

  • 0: Off

  • 1: On

Switch: 14, Bit: 3

Reset when function changed

  • 0: Off

  • 1: On

Switch: 15, Bit: 2, 1, 0

Selecting the available paper feed tray

(Only the numbers listed below can be entered)

  • 001: Tray 1

  • 010: Tray 2

  • 011: Tray 3

Switch: 15, Bit: 5

Whether or not to select the available paper feed tray

  • 0: Off

  • 1: On

Switch: 17, Bit: 2

Whether you need to press [Add] after specifying a destination with the destination key when broadcasting

  • 0: Not necessary

  • 1: Necessary

See Preventing broadcast errors.

Switch : 17, Bit 3

Whether or not to reset the settings when original is scanned

  • 0: On

  • 1: Off

Switch: 17, Bit: 7

Receive documents by pressing [Start] when originals are not set

  • 0: Off (no documents received after pressing [Start])

  • 1: On (documents received after pressing [Start])

See Manual Reception.

Switch: 18, Bit: 0

Print date with Fax Header

  • 0: Off

  • 1: On

See Fax Header Print.

Switch: 18, Bit: 1

Print transmitter origin with Fax Header

  • 0: Off

  • 1: On

See Fax Header Print.

Switch: 18, Bit: 2

Print file number with Fax Header

  • 0: Off

  • 1: On

See Fax Header Print.

Switch: 18, Bit: 3

Print page number with Fax Header

  • 0: Off

  • 1: On

See Fax Header Print.

Switch: 19, Bit: 1

Sort Journal by line type

  • 0: Off

  • 1: On

See Printing the Journal Manually.

Switch: 20, Bit: 0

Automatic printing of the LAN-Fax Result Report

  • 0: Off

  • 1: On

See LAN-Fax Result Report.

Switch: 20, Bit: 5, 4, 3, 2

Reprinting time of stored documents in memory that could not be printed using LAN-Fax Driver

  • 0000: 0 minute(s) – 1111: 15 minute(s)

See Sending Fax Documents from Computers.

Switch: 21, Bit: 0

Print results of sending Reception Notice Request message

  • 0: Off (print only when an error occurs)

  • 1: On

See Requesting a Reception Notice.

Switch: 21, Bit: 1

Respond to e-mail reception acknowledgment request

  • 0: Off

  • 1: On

See Receiving E-Mail by Internet Fax/Mail to Print.

Switch: 21, Bit: 2

Choose whether to print JPEG or PDF files attached to incoming e-mail

  • 0: Do not print

  • 1: Print

See Receiving E-Mail by Internet Fax/Mail to Print.

Switch: 21, Bit: 3

File format for files transmitted to e-mail addresses and folders registered as forwarding, destinations of backup file transmission, receivers for Personal Box, or end receivers for Transfer Box

  • 0: TIFF

  • 1: PDF

See the following:

Routing Received Documents

Transferring Received Documents

Forwarding Received Documents

Send Settings

Switch: 21, Bit: 4

Transmit Journal by e-mail

  • 0: Off

  • 1: On

See Transmitting Journal by E-Mail.

Switch: 21, Bit: 5

Limit printing of subjects and texts in normal e-mail (attached TIFF files).

  • 0: No

  • 1: Yes

See Receiving E-Mail by Internet Fax/Mail to Print.

Switch: 21, Bit: 6

Display network error

  • 0: Display (On)

  • 1: Not display (Off)

See "Messages Displayed When You Use the Facsimile Function", Troubleshooting.

Switch: 21, Bit: 7

Transmit Error Mail Notification

  • 0: On

  • 1: Off

See "When an Error Is Notified via a Report or E-Mail", Troubleshooting.

Switch: 22, Bit: 0

Detect a dial tone before sending faxes when using the G3 line (G3-1)

  • 0: Not detect (Off)

  • 1: Detect (On)

Switch: 24, Bit: 0

Store documents that could not be transmitted in memory

  • 0: Off

  • 1: On

See Resending a File.

Switch: 24, Bit: 1

Length of time documents that could not be transmitted are stored in memory

  • 0: 24 hours

  • 1: 72 hours

See Resending a File.

Switch: 24, Bit: 2

Retain the files stored in the Document Server, regardless of the settings of [Auto Delete File in Document Server] under [System Settings]

  • 0: No

  • 1: Yes

Switch: 32, Bit: 0

Select which order of priority to be used to select an alternative

  • 0: Paper Output Priority

    <Priority Order>

    1. IP-Fax destination

    2. Fax number

    3. Internet Fax

    4. E-mail address

    5. Folder

  • 1: Electronic Output Priority

    <Priority Order>

    1. Internet Fax

    2. E-mail address

    3. Folder

    4. IP-Fax destination

    5. Fax number

See the following:

Reception Functions


Forwarding per Sender

Programming/Changing Personal Boxes

Programming/Changing Transfer Boxes


  • Cloud Fax destinations have the same priority as the fax numbers when the machine decides the alternative.

Switch: 34, Bit: 0

Use gatekeeper with IP-Fax

  • 0: Off

  • 1: On

See Overview of IP-Fax Function.

Switch: 34, Bit: 1

Use SIP server with IP-Fax

  • 0: Off

  • 1: On

See Overview of IP-Fax Function.

Switch: 35, Bit: 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0

Redial interval when sending a backup file

  • 00000000: 0 minute(s) – 11111111: 255 minute(s)

Switch: 36, Bit: 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0

Maximum number of redials when sending a backup file

  • 00000000/00000001: 1 time(s) – 11111110/11111111: 254 time(s)

Switch: 37, Bit: 0

Whether to stop sending a backup file if the destination folder becomes full while the machine is sending or waiting to send a fax or the backup file

  • 0: No

  • 1: Yes

See Send Settings and Maximum Values.

Switch: 37, Bit: 3, 2

Specify whether or not the backup file is printed along with the TX communication failure report when a backup file transmission failure occurs

  • 00: Do not print

  • 01: Print first page only

  • 10: Print whole file

Switch: 37, Bit: 4

Display the sender's information in the file name of documents that are forwarded to folder destinations

  • 0: Off

  • 1: On

Switch: 37, Bit: 5

Specify whether or not to limit the file names of documents that are forwarded to folder destinations to plain characters only

  • 0: Off

  • 1: On

Switch: 37, Bit: 6

When using the remote fax function, the sub-machine beeps to let you know when it has printed a received document

(If you specify "On", the machine will beep according to the setting of [Volume] in [Sound] under [Screen Features].)

  • 0: On

  • 1: Off

See the following:

Printing Received Documents from the Sub-Machine

"Functions Requiring Optional Configurations", Getting Started

Switch: 38, Bit: 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0

Maximum number of transmissions the machine attempts before determining that a fax cannot be forwarded from a sender (including special senders) to a folder destination

  • 00000000/00000001: 1 time(s) – 1111110/11111111: 254 time(s)

Switch: 39, Bit: 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0

Interval (in minutes) between resend attempts after failing to forward a fax from a sender (including special senders) to a folder destination

  • 00000000: 0 minute(s) – 11111111: 255 minute(s)

Switch: 40, Bit: 0

Specifies whether to print and delete the oldest faxes when an error occurs, so that memory space for storage of new faxes can be created.

  • 0: On

  • 1: Off

See Specifying fax auto deletion or reception stop in the event of storage failure.

Switch: 45, Bit: 2

File format for files transmitted to e-mail addresses and folders registered as forwarding, destinations of backup file transmission, receivers for Personal Box, or end receivers for Transfer Box.

This function is available when "PDF" is selected as the file format for files transmitted to e-mail addresses and folders for User Parameter (switch 21, bit 3).

  • 0: PDF

  • 1: PDF/A

See the following:

Routing Received Documents

Transferring Received Documents

Forwarding Received Documents

Send Settings

Switch: 45, Bit: 3

Print or store received documents on the machine when the received documents were properly sent to all forwarding destinations.

(Even if [Print] or [Store] is set to [On] in [Reception File Settings], select "Do not print or store" if you do not want to print or store documents when they were properly sent.)

  • 0: Use the settings in [Reception File Settings]

  • 1: Do not print or store

See Forwarding Received Documents.