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29. Auto Reduce / Enlarge

Illustration of available on both RP-GL and RP-GL/2

Specify the original size from the sent data based on settings for "47. Method to Determine Original Size" and "39. Margin Adjustment for Auto Reduce/Enlarge", and automatically reduces/enlarges the image size to match the paper size of the paper tray that is selected on "24. Paper Tray".

Default: Off


  • Print data size is specified in "47. Method to Determine Original Size".

  • If "PS/IP Command" is specified in "47. Method to Determine Original Size", apply a PS command (RP-GL/2) or IP command (RP-GL) to data to use Auto Reduce/Enlarge. Specify "Entire Image" or "Auto" for "47. Method to Determine Original Size".

  • For RP-GL/2, this function is valid if "Off" is specified for "43. Method to Auto Select Paper Tray".

  • For RP-GL, this function is valid if "Off" or "Auto" is specified for "43. Method to Auto Select Paper Tray".

  • In terms of the Reproduction Ratio, print results using Auto Reduce/Enlarge by RP-GL and those using Auto Reduce/Enlarge by RP-GL/2 may differ.

  • For RP-GL, the Reproduction Ratio varies depending on the settings specified for "23. Printable Area (Hard Clip)".

  • A PS command specifies vertical and horizontal lengths for a sheet used for print.

  • An IP command specifies a scaling point. A scaling point is a value that the user refer to when the user configures his or her own coordinate system.