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Locating the NCP folder manually

1Press [Change] under "Path".

2Enter the path where the folder is located.

3Press [OK].

4Press [Connection Test] to check the path is set correctly.

5Press [Exit].


  • NCP is available only when an optional NetWare unit is installed.

  • If you set "Connection Type" to [NDS], and if the NDS tree name is "tree", the name of the context including the volume is "context", the volume name is "volume" and the folder name is "folder", then the path will be "\\tree\volume\context\folder".

  • If you set "Connection Type" to [Bindery], and if the NetWare server name is "server", the volume name is "volume" and the folder name is "folder", then the path will be "\\server\volume\folder".

  • You can enter a path up to 256 characters (256 bytes).

  • If the connection test fails, check the settings, and then try again.