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Scan Settings

This section describes the user tools in the [Scan Settings] tab under [Scanner Features].

Next Original Wait Setting

When scanning multiple pages into a single file, you can select [Continuous Wait], [Off], or [Set Wait Time] as the standby mode for the additional originals.

If you press [Next Original Wait] when scanning originals, the machine waits indefinitely for additional originals, regardless of any other settings.

If you do not press [Next Original Wait], the settings you configure here determine the machine's performance as follows:

Default: [Set Wait Time], 60 second(s)

  • [Continuous Wait]

    The machine waits indefinitely for additional originals and [Next Original Wait] does not appear.

  • [Off]

    The machine does not wait for additional originals and sends the scan file immediately.

  • [Set Wait Time]

    The machine waits for additional originals until the pre-specified wait period elapses.

Background Density of ADS (Full Colour)

Characteristics due to the type of paper such as nonwhiteness like newspaper or transparent originals can be reduced by correcting the scanning density.

Default: The default setting is the middle of 5 adjustment levels.

Reproduction Ratio

You can change the scale factor table of "Specify Reproduction Ratio" to user specified values.

Select the pre-determined scale factors, or enter any desired values.


  • For details about how to change the Scanner Features, see "Accessing User Tools", Connecting the Machine/ System Settings.