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Screen for Direct Printing

To display this screen, press the [Home] key on the top left of the control panel, and press the [Printer] icon on the [Home] screen, and then press [Print from Memory Storage Device]. You can view files either as a list or as thumbnails.


  • The machine can recognize up to a total of 5990 files and folders in a memory storage device.

  • File names must not exceed 255 bytes (including the path name). Also, file names must not contain any character that the machine cannot display correctly.

  • JPEG format files can be displayed as thumbnails when they are in Exif or DCF format. An icon will be shown for any other type of file.

  • For details about available paper sizes, see "Recommended Paper Sizes and Types", Paper Specifications and Adding Paper.

  • Custom size PDF files may not be printed using this function.

  • Print settings are effective for the format of the currently selected file, and will remain effective as long as the file of that format stays selected.

  • The machine will remember an entered PDF password until you switch out of the printer function.

  • If you try to select a memory storage device that the machine has not recognized correctly, an error message will appear.