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Paper Library Screen

This section explains the items on the “Paper Library” screen.

This screen appears when you press [Paper Library] on the Tray Paper Settings screen.

Operation panel screen illustration numbered callout illustration

  1. [Program to Custom Paper], [Delete Saved Custom Paper]

    When “Program to Custom Paper” is selected, selecting a paper from the list allows you to register the selected paper as a custom paper. For details, see Selecting the Paper's Name from the Paper Library.

    “Delete Saved Custom Paper” can be used only by the machine administrator.

  2. “Paper Library” tab, “Saved Paper Library” tab

    Switches between the “Paper Library” and “Saved Paper Library” screens.

  3. List of papers

    • When the “Paper Library” tab is selected:

      The library's paper list appears.

    • When the “Saved Paper Library” tab is selected:

      A list of the custom papers that are saved in the library appears.

  4. [Up arrow keyPrevious], [Down arrow keyNext]

    Displays the previous or next page of the list.

  5. [Specify Page]

    Allows you to view a particular page in the list.
