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Using Sample Print


Sending a Sample Print file

  1. In the application, on the [File] menu, click [Print].

    The [Print] dialog box appears.

  2. Set the number of copies to two or more.

    The sample print job is sent to the printer, and one set is printed.

  3. In the pop-up menu, click [Job Log].

  4. On the [Job Type:] pop-up menu, select [Sample Print].

  5. In the [User ID:] box, enter a user ID using up to eight alphanumeric (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) characters.

    The user ID associates the user with his/her jobs.

  6. Check the printed output to make sure the settings are correct.

    If the settings are correct, perform the following steps to print the remaining sets.

Printing a selected Sample Print file

To print a saved job, use the printer's control panel. For details, see "Printing a Sample Print file using the control panel".

Deleting a selected Sample Print file

If you want to delete a saved job, see "Deleting Sample Print files".
