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Double Copies

One original image is copied twice on one sheet.

Illustration of Double Copies


  • The following original size cannot be detected properly on the exposure glass. Be sure to select the copy paper manually or place the originals in the ADF.

    • Metric Version

      A5Landscape and B6 JISPortraitLandscape

    • Inch Version

      51/2 × 81/2Landscape

See the following table for original and copy paper sizes when using a 100 % ratio:

Metric version

Illustration of Double Copies

Inch version

Illustration of Double Copies

1Press [Edit].

Operation panel screen illustration

2Press [Edit Image].

3Press [Double Copies].

4Press [OK].

5Select the paper size.


  • You can change the settings for Double Copies under Edit in User Tools. For details about Edit, see “Edit”.