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Using Web Image Monitor


  • Some items might not appear, depending on the model type you are using.

  • Some items can also be configured using the control panel.

Available operations

The following operations can be performed remotely using Web Image Monitor on a computer:

  • Displaying the machine's status or settings

  • Configuring the machine's settings

  • Printing reports

  • Registering scan and fax destinations

  • Configuring the user restriction settings

  • Configuring network settings

  • Setting a password for changing the machine's configuration

  • Restoring the default values for the machine's configuration

  • Creating backup files of the machine's configuration

  • Restoring the machine's configuration from backup files

  • Configuring the machine's date and time

  • Configuring the machine's Energy Saver mode setting

Supported Web browsers

  • Windows operating systems: Internet Explorer 5.0 or later

  • Mac OS X: Safari


  • To operate the machine via Web Image Monitor, you must first configure the machine's TCP/IP settings.

  • If you use an older version of a supported Web browser or the Web browser has JavaScript and cookies disabled, display and operation problems may occur.

  • If you are using a proxy server, configure the Web browser settings as necessary. For details about the settings, contact your network administrator.

  • The previous page may not appear even if the back button of the Web browser is clicked. If this happens, click the refresh button of the Web browser.

  • Displayed information is not automatically refreshed. Click the [Refresh] button in the upper right-hand corner.
