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Release Note

Version 2.5.606.01y
1) Supported
- Microsoft Windows 8.1 and Microsoft SQL Server 2012 are no longer supported.
2) Fixed
- DB Management tool display is corrupted.
- Password is registered unintentionally when a displayed error message pop-up is closed after configuring the "Password Encoding" or the "Encryption Method + Password Encoding" and not setting a password in Validate Network Communication.
- User LockOut label for Group Member is not displayed.
- The "Download Logs" button does not work if no file in log folders.
- CommunicationException error occurs when executing Synchronize.bat with SSL enabled.
- Group Administrator for multi groups is registered as General Staff when importing Group Authorization Information.
- Downloading the debug and synchronization logs is outputting a log of synchronization failure, even though the debug log has a success log.
- A user with the same name can be registered, resulting in a login error.
3) Others
- Updated Amazon Corretto version to 8.352.08.1.
- Updated Apache Log4j version to 2.17.2.
- Updated Jetty version to 9.4.48.
- Updated Apache Commons FileUpload version to 1.5.
- Loss of secure attributes in encrypted session (SSL) cookies.

Version 2.5.606.0
1) Supported
- None
2) Fixed
- When the "mbAuthSync.bat" is executed two or more times in the [ CAP-ES v2.5.605’s Install Media ]\Tools\SyncTool to synchronize, the user information is deleted.
3) Others
- None

Version 2.5.605.0
1) Supported
- Windows Server 2022 Standard/Datacenter/Datacenter:Azure Edition (64bit) is supported.
- Windows 11 Pro/Pro for Workstations/Education Edition (64bit) is supported.
- Internet Explorer 10 is no longer supported.
2) Fixed
- CAP-ES V2 service "Authentication Manager Service" may not be started with SHA-1 error after restarting the server.
- When performing CSV export and deletion using Cleaner.bat, an exception error occurs.
- "PASSWORD IS SET" is output in Login Password column in Integrated Information CSV.
- Even though user and card information is deleted in primary server, the card information is not deleted in secondary server with synchronization tool (mbAuthsync.bat).
- Empty folders have been removed from install image.
3) Others
- None

1) Supported
- Windows Server 2008/2008R2 and Windows 7 are no longer supported.
- Internet Explorer 9 is no longer supported.
2) Fixed
- The "Activation Tool" has not been digitally signed.
- Unnecessary information is included in the HTTP response header.
- CAP-ES V2.5.000 or later can be installed even if multi byte characters are specified in the path of the destination location.
- CAP-ES V2.5.400 may cause the browser to freeze when performing the "User Information Acquisition Test".
- Some modules are left after upgrading from CAP-ES V2.5.400.
3) Others
- It is now possible to authenticate users specified by "username@domain".
- The "function as LDAP server" setting has been removed.
- The type of the Password Encoding has been added to the Validate Network Communication settings.
- Updated Amazon Corretto version to 8u272-b10.
- Updated Jetty version to V9.4.36.
- Updated the included SQL Server version to SQL Server 2019 Express Edition.
- Updated JDBC driver version to 8.4.1
- Updated Apache Commons FileUpload version to 1.4.
- Updated Apache Commons IO version to 2.8.0.