User GuideIM 550/600 series

Registering User Information from Web Image Monitor

Register login users and their addresses in the address book of the machine using the Web Image Monitor. Multiple users can be easily registered using a computer.

1Start a Web browser on the computer.

2Enter "http://(IP address of the machine) or (host name)/" in the address bar of the Web browser.

When you are connected to the machine, the top page of the Web Image Monitor is displayed.

3Click [Login] on the top page of Web Image Monitor.

Web browser screen illustration

4Enter the login user name and password of the administrator, and then click [Login].

5Click [Address Book] from the [Device Management] menu.

Web browser screen illustration

6Click [Detail Input], and then [Add user].

Web browser screen illustration

7Enter the login users and addresses to register in the address book, and click [OK].

Index cannot be registered automatically.

8After performing the process of Register, click [Logout] to quit Web Image Monitor.


  • To change or delete the user information, select the login user or address on the "Address List" screen and click [Change] or [Delete].