User GuideP C600

Printing User Information Compulsorily on Paper

The start time of the print job, information on the person who prints it (name or login user name), machine number and machine's IP address can be compulsorily embedded on printed sheets. This function is called Compulsory Security Stamp.

Always printing out information on the person printing the job can discourage information leakage. It can also be used for identifying sources of information leakage.

You can configure user information compulsorily printed on paper using a web browser from networked computers. (We use Web Image Monitor installed on this machine.)

1Open a web browser from a networked computer, and then log in to Web Image Monitor as the machine administrator.

For details on how to log in, see Administrator Login Method.

2Point to [Device Management], and then click [Configuration].

3Click [Compulsory Security Stamp] under "Device Settings".

4Select [On] for "Compulsory Security Stamp".

5Select the item to be stamped.

You can stamp an item by selecting [Stamp].

Any items that [Do not Stamp] is specified for will not be printed.


The job start time will be printed.

Printout User Name

If "Stamp User Name" is selected, the "Name" in the Address Book will be printed.

If "Stamp Login User Name" is selected, the "Login User Name" in the "Authentication Information" in the Address Book will be printed.

If user authentication or User Code authentication has not been configured, the name of the person printing the job will not be printed.

Machine ID

The numbers displayed as the "Serial No. of Machine" in [System] will be printed.

Machine IP Address

The machine's IP address will be printed. If there are both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, the IPv4 address will be printed. If no IP address has been configured, this will be left blank.

6Specify "Adjust Stamp Position".

7Click [OK].

8Log out.

For details about logging out, see Administrator Logout Method.