User GuideP C600

Access Control

The machine can control TCP/IP access.

Limit the IP addresses from which access is possible by specifying an access control range.

For example, if you specify an access control range as []-[], the client computer addresses from which access is possible will be from [] to [].

You can specify access control using a web browser from networked computers. (We use Web Image Monitor installed on this machine.)


  • Using access control, you can limit accesses from LPR, RCP/RSH, FTP, Bonjour, SMB, WSD (Device), WSD (Printer), IPP, DIPRINT, RHPP, Web Image Monitor, or SmartDeviceMonitor for Client. You cannot limit the monitoring of SmartDeviceMonitor forClient. You cannot limit accesses from telnet or Device Manager NX when using SNMPv1 for monitoring.

1Open a web browser from a networked computer, and then log in to Web Image Monitor as the network administrator.

For details on how to log in, see Administrator Login Method.

2Point to [Device Management], and then click [Configuration].

3Click [Access Control] under "Security".

4To specify an IPv4 address, enter an IP address that has access to the machine in "Access Control Range".

To specify an IPv6 address, enter an IP address that has access to the machine in "Range" under "Access Control Range", or enter an IP address in "Mask" and specify the "Mask Length".

5Click [OK].

6“Updating...” appears. Wait for about one or two minutes, and then click [OK].

If the previous screen does not appear again after you click [OK], wait for a while, and then click the web browser's refresh button.

7Log out.

For details about logging out, see Administrator Logout Method.