User GuideIM 350/430 series

Types of the Extended Features

Extended features are classified into 2 types, Type-J*1 and Type-C*2, depending on the development environment.

  • Type-J*1 extended features

    These are features (applications) that are developed using Java.

  • Type-C*2 extended features

    These are features (applications) that are developed using C language.

*1 Embedded Software Architecture Application Java language version

*2 Embedded Software Architecture Application C language version

You can check which type of extended features is in use. Check the "Type" column of the list displayed on the Startup Setting screen or the Extended Feature Info screen in "Extended Feature Settings".

  • Control Panel

    Operation panel screen illustration
  • Web browser

    You can use a web browser from networked computers. (We use Web Image Monitor installed on this machine.)

    Web browser screen illustration

For details about the Extended Feature Settings screen, see Extended Feature Settings.