User GuideIM 350/430 series

E-mail Encryption

To send encrypted e-mails using S/MIME, a user certificate must first be prepared using a web browser from networked computers and registered in the Address Book by the user administrator. (We use Web Image Monitor installed on this machine.) There are 3 types of user certificates that can be installed on this machine, "DER Encoded Binary X.509", "Base 64 Encoded X.509", and "PKCS #7" certificate. Registering the certificate in the Address Book specifies each user's public key. After installing the certificate, specify the encryption algorithm using Web Image Monitor. The network administrator can specify the algorithm.

E-mail encryption

  1. Prepare a user certificate.

  2. Install the user certificate in the Address Book using Web Image Monitor. (The public key on the certificate is specified in the Address Book.)

    You cannot install any certificate file that contains more than one certificate. Install the certificates one at a time.

  3. Specify the encryption algorithm using Web Image Monitor.

  4. Using the shared key, encrypt the e-mail message.

  5. The shared key is encrypted using the user's public key.

  6. The encrypted e-mail is sent.

  7. The receiver decrypts the shared key using a secret key that corresponds to the public key.

  8. The e-mail is decrypted using the shared key.