User GuideIM 350/430 series

Printing Method

This section explains how to print documents using commands.


  • You can use wild cards ( * or ? ) for the file name with the mput command.

Printing with lpr, lp

Execute one of the following commands according to type of workstation used:

  • BSD UNIX workstation, Linux

    % lpr -Pprinter_name file_name [file_name...]

    For example:

    The printer name is np, file names are file1 and file2

    % lpr -Pnp file1 file2

  • Solaris, HP-UX

    % lp -d printer_name file_name [file_name...]

    For example:

    The printer name is np, file names are file1 and file2

    % lp -d np file1 file2

Printing with ftp

You can also print using the ftp commands.

Use the put or mput command depending on the number of files to be printed.

  • To print one file

    ftp> put file_name [Option]

  • To print several files

    ftp> mput file_name [file_name...] [Option]

The following procedure shows an example of how to print a file using ftp.

It is not possible to set options with the mput command:

1Start ftp using the IP address or host name of the printer.

% ftp IP_address

2Enter the user name and password, and then press the [RETURN] ([ENTER]) key.

For details about the user name and password, consult your administrator.



3Set the file transfer mode to binary.

ftp> bin

If the file transfer mode is not set to binary, the image may not be printed correctly.

4Print the file.

For example, to print the file named file1:

ftp> put \path\file1

For example, to print the two files named file1 and file2:

ftp> mput \path\file1 \path\file2

5Exit ftp.

ftp> bye


  • "printer_name" is the printer name entered when executing the installation shell script with UNIX.

  • You can use wild cards ( * or ? ) for the file name.

  • The message "print session full" appears when the maximum number of print requests has been reached (max. 5 sessions - Job Spool setting available).

  • You should try to print again when the number of requests is less than five. You can check the number of print requests using telnet. For details about using telnet, see the manual that comes with this printer.

  • The number of print sessions does not change, whether you increase or reduce the printer's total memory size.

  • Print using a format the printer supports.

  • You should try to print again when the number of requests is zero.

  • The message "print session full" appears when the maximum number of print requests is reached.

  • The maximum number of print sessions varies depending on the command.