User GuideIM 350/430 series

Types of Fax Reception

This section explains three ways of receiving fax documents; Immediate Reception, Memory Reception, and Substitute Reception.

The machine may not be able to receive fax documents when free memory space is low.

If free memory reaches 0% during reception, any further reception becomes impossible and the current communication is terminated.


  • When receiving important fax documents, it is recommended that you confirm the contents of the received documents with the senders.

  • If there is a power failure (the main power switch is turned off) or the machine is unplugged for about one hour, all the documents stored in memory are deleted. As soon as the main power switch is turned on, the Power Failure Report is printed to help you check the list of deleted files. See "When an Error for Fax Function Is Notified via a Report or E-Mail", Troubleshooting.

Immediate Reception

Each page of a fax document is printed as soon as it is received. This method is used for standard fax documents.

Illustration of Immediate Reception

Reception is always by Immediate Reception unless "Combine Two Originals" or [2 Sided Print] is set to "On", or [Reception File Print Quantity] is set to "2" or higher, in which cases the machine switches to Memory Reception.

If the Substitute Reception is used, a fax document is not printed: it is stored in memory.

Memory Reception

The machine waits until all pages of the document have been received into memory before printing it.

Illustration of Memory Reception

The machine might not be able to receive large numbers of documents or documents with high data content. If this is the case, we recommend that you set [Reception File Print Quantity] to "1" and disable "Combine Two Originals" or [2 Sided Print].

If you have set [Store] to [On] in Reception File Settings in the Fax Features menu, received document is saved on the hard disk and will not be printed. You can print those documents by operating the machine or a connected computer, as necessary.


  • The machine supports Standard and Detail resolutions for reception.

  • Faxes sent at Fine or Super Fine resolution is printed on your machine at Detail resolution. This may differ from the sender's intended resolution.

  • To receive faxes via Cloud Fax, configure settings on the service provider to attach received faxes in TIFF format.

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