User GuideIM 350/430 series

Routing e-mail received via SMTP

E-mail received via SMTP can be routed to other fax machines.

Before routing e-mail received via SMTP, you first must set [SMTP RX File Delivery Settings] to [On] in the Fax Features menu. See SMTP Reception File Delivery Settings.

Illustration of routing e-mail received via SMTP

The originator can request transfer of e-mail sent to another fax machine by specifying the e-mail address as follows:

Fax Number

fax=destination fax number@host name of this machine.domain name

Example: to transfer to fax number 212-567-1234:

Single destination registered in the Address Book

fax=Sharpregistration number of 5 digits or less@host name of this machine.domain name

Example: to transfer to the destination number 00001:

Group destination registered in the Address Book

fax=SharpAsteriskAsteriskregistration number of 5 digits or less@host name of this machine.domain name

Example: to transfer to the destination programmed under group number 00004:


  • Depending on security settings, this function may not be available.

  • If an e-mail transfer request is received when the [SMTP RX File Delivery Settings] is [Off] in the Fax Features menu, this machine responds with an error message to the SMTP server.

  • You can make settings that limit transfer to specified originators.

  • Using this function, you can also send documents from your e-mail application to e-mail addresses and G3 fax machines' destinations through this machine simultaneously.

  • For the maximum number of destinations you can register in a group, see Maximum Values.

  • When the destination specified as a routing destination is updated using the central address book management function, the spooled documents are routed to the following destinations:

    • When the destination is specified as a fax, IP-Fax, Internet Fax, e-mail, or Cloud Fax destination, the documents are routed to the destination before updating.

    • When the destination is specified as a folder destination, the documents are routed to the destination after updating.