Skew detection & main scan registration

A Ricoh original technology is applied to separately control skew correction and main scan registration, to achieve high accuracy in front-to-back registration.

  1. CIS* measures the amount of skew.

  2. The registration roller rotates (about the fixed support axis) and then shifts sideways to adjust the skew and main scan registration.

  • 1. Contact Image Sensor (CIS)

    CIS calculates the amount of correction

  • 2. Registration roller

    The registration roller adjusts the skew and main scan registration.

* Contact Image Sensor

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Leading edge detection mechanism in more detail

When the paper passes through the registration roller, the CIS emits light and reads the amount of light reflected, to detect the leading edge.

The sensor reading is 0V when there is no reflection (no paper detected) whereas a certain voltage is detected when there is reflection.

High voltage is detected when the reflection is high; white paper, whereas low voltage is detected when the reflection is low; dark/black paper.

The CIS mode and its light intensity are set according to the color of the media (color, black).

However, low voltage from low reflection may occasionally be falsely detected as jams. In such case, increase the light intensity.

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