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Scan Size

Select the size of the original to be scanned.

Regular size

Select a size to scan originals at a specified size regardless of the actual size of the originals you have placed.

You can specify the following template sizes:

A4Landscape, A5Portrait, A5Landscape, B5 JISLandscape, 81/2 × 14Landscape, 81/2 × 132/5Landscape, 81/2 × 13Landscape, 81/2 × 11Landscape, 51/2 × 81/2Portrait, 51/2 × 81/2Landscape

[Partial Scan]

Select [Partial Scan] to scan an original partially.

You can specify the dimensions of an area to be scanned in mm or inches.

[Custom Size]

Select [Custom Size] to scan originals whose sizes do not match a standard template or to scan only a part of an original.

You can specify the length and width of your originals in mm or inches.

[LT/LG Mixed Sizes]

  • Region A icon(mainly Europe and Asia)

    To use this function, consult your service representative.

  • Region B icon(mainly North America)

    If you place in the ADF originals mixed with 81/2 × 11Landscape and 81/2 × 14Landscape, the machine detects each original size and scans it according to its size.


  • Scan sizes registered in [Program / Change / Delete Scan Size] of the [Scan Settings] tab under [Scanner Features] are also displayed under regular sizes.