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Displaying the Printer Driver Settings Screen

This chapter explains how to open the printer driver settings screen using Windows 7 as an example. The screens displayed may differ depending on the application.

Printing Documents

This chapter explains how to print documents using the PCL 5c/6 printer driver as an example. The procedure for the PostScript 3 printer driver is the same as that for the PCL 6 printer driver. The screens displayed may differ depending on the application.A third party may remove or review printed documents. Collect them immediately when printing is complete.

Useful Functions for Binding and Sorting Printed Documents

This chapter describes useful print functions such as printing on cover sheets and inserting slip sheet.

Specifying the Machine Behavior

This chapter explains how to configure the machine behavior on the control panel. These functions are useful when configured before printing.

Printing Stored Documents

This chapter explains how to manage and print documents stored in the machine. It also describes the procedure to store documents using the PCL 5c/6 printer driver as an example. The screens displayed may differ depending on the application.

Printing Files from a Memory Storage Device

This chapter explains how to print files directly from a memory storage device or a digital camera connected to the machine.

Printer Features

This chapter describes user tools under Printer Features menu.

Using Other Printer Applications

This chapter describes the useful applications that can be utilized in the printer function.