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Specify the resolution according to the size of the text on the original.

Standard (8 × 3.85 lines/mm, 200 × 100 dpi)

Select for originals containing normal size characters.

Detail (8 × 7.7 lines/mm, 200 × 200 dpi)

Select for originals containing small characters or when you require greater clarity. This resolution is twice as fine as Standard.


  • When using the Cloud Fax function, you can always send originals with the Detail (200 × 200 dpi) resolution.

fax icon When Using the Fax Application

Operation panel screen illustration

About how to use the application's screen, see "[Fax] Screen".

fax (classic) icon When Using the Fax (Classic) Application

For details about how to use the classic fax function, see Procedure for resolution (classic).