Data that can be backed up and restored

System Settings

  • Timer Settings

    • Auto Logout Timer

  • Interface Settings

    • Network

      Machine IPv4 Address

      IPv4 Gateway Address

      DNS Configuration


      Domain Name

      Effective Protocol

      Permit SSL / TLS Communication

      IEEE 802.1X Authentication for Ethernet

  • File Transfer

    • SMTP Server

    • Administrator's Email Address

  • Administrator Tools

    • Media Slot Use

      Store to Memory Device

      Print from Memory Storage Device

    • User Authentication Management

      Printer Job Authentication Settings

      Use Secure Connection(SSL)

      Kerberos Authentication

      Available Functions

    • Administrator Authentication Management

      User Management

      Machine Management

      Network Management

      File Management

    • Extended Security

      Restrict Display of User Information

      Restrict Use of Destinations (Fax)

      Restrict Adding of User Destinations (Fax)

      Restrict Use of Destinations (Scanner)

      Restrict Adding of User Destinations (Scanner)

      Transfer to Fax Receiver

      Authenticate Current Job

      @Remote Service

      Update Firmware

      Change Firmware Structure

      Password Policy

      Security Setting for Access Violation

    • Auto Delete File in Document Server

    • LDAP Search

    • Service Mode Lock

    • Network Security Level

    • Auto Erase Memory Setting

    • Transfer Log Setting

    • Program / Change / Delete Realm

    • Collect Logs

      Job Log

      Access Log

      Eco-friendly Logs

    • Application Authentication Management



      Document Server



    • Document Server Function

    • Default Privilege for Stored File

Copier / Document Server Features

  • Administrator Tools

    • Menu Protect

Printer Features

  • Data Management

    • Menu Protect

    • Auto Delete Temporary Print Jobs

    • Auto Delete Stored Print Jobs

  • System

    • Jobs Not Printed As Machn. Was Off

Scanner Features

  • General Settings

    • Print & Delete Scanner Journal

    • Use WSD or DSM

    • Download File Directly From URL Link

  • Send Settings

    • File Emailing Method

  • Initial Settings

    • Menu Protect

Fax Features

  • Reception Settings

    • Reception File Settings


      Memory Lock Reception

  • Initial Settings

    • Parameter Setting

      Switch: 04, Bit: 7

      Switch: 10, Bit 0

      Switch: 20, Bit: 0

      Switch: 40, Bit: 0

    • Internet Fax Setting

    • Enable IP-Fax H.323

    • Enable IP-Fax SIP

    • Menu Protect

    • Folder Setting