Selecting the device certificate

Select the device certificate to be used for S/MIME using Web Image Monitor.

1Log in as the network administrator from Web Image Monitor.

2Point to [Device Management], and then click [Configuration].

3Click [Device Certificate] under "Security".

4Select the certificate to be used for the electronic signature from the drop-down box in "S/MIME" under "Certification".

5Click [OK].

The certificate to be used for the S/MIME electronic signature is set.

6“Updating...” appears. Wait for about one or two minutes, and then click [OK].

If the previous screen does not appear again after you click [OK], wait for a while, and then click the web browser's refresh button.

7Log out.


  • If the selected device certificate expires, signatures cannot be attached to e-mail. Select a certificate that is within its valid period.