User Lockout Function

If an incorrect password is entered several times, the User Lockout function prevents further login attempts under the same login user name. Even if the locked out user enters the correct password later, authentication will fail and the machine cannot be used until the lockout period elapses or an administrator or supervisor disables the lockout.

To use the lockout function for user authentication, the authentication method must be set to Basic authentication. Under other authentication methods, the lockout function protects supervisor and administrator accounts only, not general user accounts.

Lockout setting items

The lockout function settings can be made using Web Image Monitor.

Setting item


Setting values

Default setting


Specify whether or not to enable the lockout function.

  • Active

  • Inactive


Number of Attempts before Lockout

Specify the number of authentication attempts to allow before applying lockout.



Lockout Release Timer

Specify whether or not to cancel lockout after a specified period elapses.

  • Active

  • Inactive


Lock Out User for

Specify the number of minutes after which lockout is canceled.

1-9999 min.

60 min.

Lockout release privileges

Administrators with unlocking privileges are as follows:

Locked out user

Unlocking administrator

General user

User administrator

User administrator, network administrator,

file administrator, machine administrator



Machine administrator