Logging in Using Web Image Monitor

1Open a Web browser.

2Enter "http://(the machine's IP address or host name)/" in the address bar.

When entering an IPv4 address, do not begin segments with zeros. For example: If the address is "", you must enter it as "" to connect to the machine.

Enter the IPv6 address with brackets before and after, like this: [2001:db8::9abc].

If you set "Permit SSL/TLS Communication" to [Ciphertext Only], enter " https://(the machine's IP address or host name)/" to access the machine.

3Click [Login] at the top right of the window.

4Enter the login user name and password of an administrator, and then click [Login].


  • The Web browser might be configured to auto complete login dialog boxes by keeping login user names and passwords. This function reduces security. To prevent the browser from keeping login user names and passwords, disable the browser's auto complete function.