Step 1: Confirming the user name and computer name

Confirm the user name and the name of the computer you will send scanned documents to.

1On the [Start] menu, point to [All Programs], click [Accessories], and then click [Command Prompt].

2Enter the command "ipconfig/all", and then press the [Enter] key.

3Confirm the name of the computer.

The computer's name is displayed under [Host Name].

You can also confirm the IPv4 address. The address displayed under [IPv4 Address] is the IPv4 address of the computer.

4Enter the command "set user", and then press the [Enter] key.

Be sure to put a space between "set" and "user".

5Confirm the user name.

The user name is displayed under [USERNAME].


  • Depending on the operating system or security settings, it might be possible to specify a user name that does not have a password assigned. However, we recommend that for greater security you select a user name that has a password.