Types of the Poster Function

The following options are available when printing a portrait document:

  • 1 Page into 2 Sheets

    Divides a page to print in a layout of top and bottom sheets.

    Illustration of 1 Page into 2 Sheets

  • 1 Page into 4 Sheets

    Divides a page to print in a layout of two sheets by two sheets.

    Illustration of 1 Page into 4 Sheets

  • 1 Page into 9 Sheets

    Divides a page to print in a layout of three sheets by three sheets.

    Illustration of 1 Page into 9 Sheets


  • When printing using the poster function, some images may print with problems such as smudges on the back side of printed paper, etc.

  • Poster function cannot be used with the fold function.