
Use the "nat_ui" command to display and configure the NAT/port forwarding settings for the Android operating system.

View settings

msh> nat_ui

Displaying and configuring the IPv4 network address for the operating system

msh> nat_ui ipv4 {1 | 2} xxx ... xxx = IPv4 Network address

Displaying and configuring port forwarding settings for IPv4

msh> nat_ui portfw {on|off}

Displaying and configuring the machine port number for port forwarding

msh> nat_ui machine_port {1-10} [1-65535]

Displaying and configuring the operating system port number for port forwarding

msh> nat_ui ui_port {1-10} [1-65535]

Displaying and configuring the IPv6 network address for the operating system

msh> nat_ui ipv6 {1 | 2} xxx ... xxx = IPv6 Network address

Configure a network address whose prefix length is 64. If a network address is configured whose subnet mask length is not 64, an error will occur.

Displaying and configuring port forwarding settings for IPv6

msh> nat_ui portfw6 {on|off}