
Set search engine

Select a search engine to be used as the default search engine that opens automatically when a search is made on web.

Default: [Google]

Open in background

Open a new tab behind the current tab.

Default: [OFF]

Enable JavaScript

Enable JavaScript. When JavaScript is enabled it is possible to interact dynamically with programs on Web pages.

Default: [ON]

Enable plug-ins

Enable plug-ins. When plug-ins are enabled, the browser can process special types of web content.

Default: [Always on]

User Agent Setting

Specify the type, version, and other information of the Web server that is sent to the Web server.

Default: [Desktop]

Website settings

Check the advanced settings for particular websites.


  • Default zoom

    Select the magnification percentage of the browser.

    Default: [Medium]

  • Open pages in overview

    Display the newly opened Web page in full screen.

    Default: [ON]

  • Auto-fit pages

    Adjust Web pages so they fit the screen of the machine.

    Default: [ON]

  • Block pop-ups

    Prevent advertisements and other images from appearing on screen in separate windows.

    Default: [ON]

  • Text encoding

    Select the text encoding.


  • Reset to default

    Restore all settings to their factory defaults.