Changing the Login Password

You can use alphanumeric characters and symbols when registering login user passwords.

You can register up to 128 single-byte characters.

The passwords are case-sensitive. Keep this in mind when registering them.


  • Do not disclose the password to outsiders. Similarly, do not write the password down and leave it where others can see it.

  • Change the password periodically.

  • Make the password difficult to guess.

Password Policy

This machine has a password policy.

Only passwords meeting the specified criteria for level of complexity and minimum number of characters can be registered. For details about the criteria, see "Specifying the Extended Security Functions", Security Guide.

Passwords can contain the following characters:

  • Upper case letters: A to Z (26 characters)

  • Lower case letters: a to z (26 characters)

  • Numbers: 0 to 9 (10 characters)

  • Symbols: (space) ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _` { | } ~ (33 characters)

Some characters are not available, regardless of whether their codes are entered using the keyboard or the control panel.