Viewing received fax documents using Web Image Monitor

For details about Web Image Monitor, see Web Image Monitor Help.

1Start Web Image Monitor.

See Connecting the Machine/ System Settings for details.

2Click [Fax Received File] on the [Print Job/Stored File] menu in the left pane.

3If you have programmed a user code for the stored reception file, enter the code, and then press [OK].

If the programmed user code was deleted from the Address Book, a message indicating incorrect user code entry appears. If this is the case, reprogram a user code.

4Click the property icon Web browser screen illustration of the desired fax document.

5View the content of the fax document.

6To download the received fax document, select [PDF], [PDF/A], or [Multi-page: TIFF], and then click [Download].

When you select [PDF], make the necessary [PDF File Security Settings] before clicking [Download]. Adobe Acrobat Reader/Adobe Reader starts and the selected document is displayed.

7Click [OK].

8Quit Web Image Monitor.


  • If your computer cannot be connected to Web Image Monitor, see "Using Web Image Monitor", Connecting the Machine/ System Settings.

  • If you print received documents that are downloaded in PDF format, the downloaded documents may be printed on a larger size paper depending on the version and print settings of Adobe Acrobat Reader/Adobe Reader. To print them on the same size paper as the received documents, specify the paper size in Adobe Acrobat Reader/Adobe Reader before printing.