
Specify the resolution according to the size of the text on the original.

Standard (8 × 3.85 lines/mm, 200 × 100 dpi)

Select for originals containing normal size characters.

Detail (8 × 7.7 lines/mm, 200 × 200 dpi)

Select for originals containing small characters or when you require greater clarity. This resolution is twice as fine as Standard.

Super Fine (16 × 15.4 lines/mm, 400 × 400 dpi)

Select for originals with very fine details or when you require the best possible image clarity. This resolution is eight times finer than Standard.

For details about the optional units required for Super Fine, see "Functions Requiring Optional Configurations", Getting Started.


  • When using the Cloud Fax function, you can always send originals with the Detail (200 × 200 dpi) resolution.

fax icon When Using the Fax Application

Operation panel screen illustration

About how to use the application's screen, see "[Fax] Screen".

fax (classic) icon When Using the Fax (Classic) Application

For details about how to use the classic fax function, see Procedure for resolution (classic).