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Using Auto Erase Memory


  • When Auto Erase Memory is set to [On], temporary data that remained on the hard disk when Auto Erase Memory was set to [Off] might not be overwritten.

  • If the main power switch is turned off before Auto Erase Memory is completed, overwriting will stop and data will be left on the hard disk.

  • Do not stop the overwrite mid-process. Doing so will damage the hard disk.

  • If the main power switch is turned off before Auto Erase Memory is completed, overwriting will continue once the main power switch is turned back on.

  • If an error occurs before overwriting is completed, turn off the main power. Turn it on, and then repeat from Step 1.

1Log in as the machine administrator from the control panel.

2Display the “Auto Erase Memory Setting” screen.

[System Settings] [Administrator Tools] [Auto Erase Memory Setting]

3Select the method of overwriting.


[On] [NSA] [OK]


[On] [DoD] [OK]

Random Numbers

[On] [Random Numbers] [Number of Erase] Enter the number of times that you want to overwrite using the number keys [OK] [OK]

4Log out.


  • If you enable both overwriting and data encryption, the overwriting data will also be encrypted.