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Series Copies

Separately copies the front and back of a 2-sided original or the 2 facing pages of a bound original onto 2 sheets.

Illustration of Series Copies


  • You cannot use the Spread 1 Sided function from the ADF.

The following table shows the paper sizes for Spread 1 Sided when the reproduction ratio is 100%:


Paper for 1-sided copy


A4Portrait × 2 sheets

B4 JISLandscape

B5 JISPortrait × 2 sheets


A5Portrait × 2 sheets

11 × 17Landscape

81/2 × 11Portrait × 2 sheets

81/2 × 11Landscape

51/2 × 81/2Portrait × 2 sheets

There are two types of Series Copies.

2 Sided 1 Sided

You can make one-sided copies from two-sided originals.

Spread 1 Sided

You can make one-sided copies from 2 facing pages of a bound original (book).

When Using the Copy Application

Operation panel screen illustration

About how to use the application's screen, see "Copy Screen".

When Using the Copier (Classic) Application

For details about how to use the Classic Copier function, see Procedure for series copies (classic).