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System Log Information

Use the following commands to display the system log information:


Problem and solutions

account is unavailable:

encryption is impossible.

Encryption is not possible and account is disabled. This could be because:

  • Security option is not installed.

  • Encryption password has not been specified.

account is unavailable:

same account name be used.

User account is disabled. This could be because it uses the same account name as the administrator account.

account is unavailable:

The authentication password is not set up.

User account is disabled. This could be because the authentication password is not set, and only the encryption account is set.

add_sess_IPv4: bad trap addr: <IPv4 address>, community: <community name>

The IPv4 address ( is unavailable when the community access type is TRAP. Specify the host IPv4 address for the TRAP destination.

add_sess_IPv4: community <community name> already defined.

The same community name already exists. Use another community name.

add_sess_IPv6: bad trap addr: <IPv6 address>, community: <community name>

The IPv6 address [::] is unavailable when the community access type is TRAP. Specify the host IPv6 address for the TRAP destination.

add_sess_IPv6: community <community name> already defined.

The same community name already exists. Use another community name.

adjust time server <NTP server name> offset: xx sec.

ncsd tells you the timing of the NTP server and whether or not the time system clock is set.

NTP Server: NTP server name

offset: number of seconds of delay (minus number if a time in advance is specified)

Attach FileServer=<file server>

Connection to the file server as the nearest server has been established.

Attach to print queue <print queue name>

The system connects to the print queue when the print server goes online.


The supplicant is authenticated. This message indicates that the supplicant is successfully authenticated. If the authentication is successful, this message always appears.

btd is disabled.

Communication via Bluetooth is unavailable because btd is disabled in the security mode.

Enable btd in the security mode.

child process exec error ! (process name)

The network service failed to start. Turn the machine off and then on. If this does not work, contact your service or sales representative.

client EAP method rejected

The RADIUS server rejected the EAP method selected by the supplicant.

client password rejected

The user name or password is not correct.

  • For LEAP, the user name or password is not correct.

  • For TTLS/PEAP, the phase 2 user name or phase 2 password is not correct.

client TLS certificate rejected

The RADIUS server rejected the client's TLS certificate.

Connected DHCP server <DHCP server address>

The IP address was successfully received from the DHCP server.

Connected DHCPv6 server <IPv6 address>

The IP address was successfully received from the DHCPv6 server.

connection from <IP address>

A user logged in from the host <IP address>.

Could not attach to FileServer <error number>

Connection to the file server could not be established when the remote printer went online. The file server refused the connection for unknown reason. Check the file server's configuration.

Could not attach to PServer <print server>

Connection to the print server has not been established when the remote printer is turned on. The print server has refused the connection. Check the print server configuration.

Current Interface Speed: xxx Mbps

Speed of the network (10Mbps, 100 Mbps, or 1Gbps).

Current IP address (<current IP address>)

The IP address <current IP address> was acquired from the DHCP server.

DHCP lease time expired.

The DHCP lease time has expired. Perform the DHCP discover again. The IP address you have been using is no longer available.

DHCP server not found.

The DHCP server was not found. Make sure that the DHCP is on the network.

DHCPv 6 address LeaseTime expired

The lease time of DHCPv6 address has expired. Obtain IPv6 address from DHCPv6 server again. The IPv6 address you have been using is no longer available. Make sure that the DHCPv6 is on the network.

DHCPv 6 address not leased (StatusCode = <status code>)

For some reason, IPv6 address cannot be obtained from DHCPv6 server. Check the status code description.

<StatusCode>: This indicates the status of DHCPv6 message or option. The followings are the status codes when an error occurs.

UnspecFail(1): This indicates unknown reason error. This may appear when inappropriate option is included in a message.

NoAddrsAvail(2): This indicates that allocated IPv6 address does not exist.

NoBinding(3): This indicates that specified IPv6 address does not exist in designated IPv6 addresses.

NotOnLink(4): This indicates that specified prefix length for IPv6 address is invalid.

UseMulticast(5): This indicates that message needs to be sent using multicast.

DHCPv 6 address RenewTime =<renew time>(sec), LeaseTime =<lease time>(sec)

The time taken to require renewal of IPv6 address obtained from the DHCPv6 server is displayed in [renew time] in seconds. The expire time received from the DHCPv6 server is displayed in [lease time] in seconds.

When lease time elapses, the IPv6 address you have been using is no longer available.

DHCPv 6 client started

DHCPv6 client has started.

DHCPv 6 client terminated

DHCPv6 client has terminated.

DHCPv 6 Parameter RefreshTime = <renew time>(sec)

The time taken to require renewal of parameter obtained from the DHCPv6 server is displayed in [renew time] in seconds. Parameter is the information such as DNS server address and DNS search path other than DHCPv6 address.

DHCPv6 server not found

The DHCPv6 server was not found. Make sure that the DHCPv6 is on the network.


The supplicant is disconnected.

Duplicate IP=<IP address>(from <MAC address>).

A conflicting IPv4 or IPv6 address was used. Each IPv4 or IPv6 address must be unique. Check the device address in [MAC address].

Exit pserver

(In the print server mode) The print server function is disabled because the necessary print server settings have not been made.


The LPD service has completed and the process is exiting.

httpd start.

The httpd has started.

(IKE phase-1) mismatched authentication type: local=<authentication type 1> remote=<authentication type 2>

This machine's <authentication type 1> in IKE phase 1 does not match the communicating host's <authentication type 2>. Make sure this machine's ISAKMP SA authentication type matches that of the communicating host.

(IKE phase-1) mismatched encryption type: local=<encryption algorithm 1> remote=<encryption algorithm 2>

This machine's ISAKMP SA Oakley group <encryption algorithm 1> in IKE phase 1 does not match the communicating host's ISAKMP SA Oakley group < encryption algorithm 2>. Make sure this machine's ISAKMP SA Oakley group matches that of the communicating host.

(IKE phase-1) mismatched DH group: local=<DH group number 1> remote=<DH group number 2>

This machine's ISAKMP SA Oakley group <DH group number 1> in IKE phase 1 does not match the communicating host's ISAKMP SA Oakley group <DH group number 2>. Make sure this machine's ISAKMP SA Oakley group matches that of the communicating host.

(IKE phase-1) mismatched hash type: local=<Hash Algorithm 1> remote=<Hash Algorithm 2>

This machine's ISAKMP SA <Hash Algorithm 1> in IKE phase 1 does not match the communicating host's ISAKMP SA <Hash Algorithm 2>. Make sure this machine's ISAKMP SA Hash Algorithm matches that of the communicating host.

IKE [% s] is disable, set PSK text.

The specified IKE entry is invalid. Enter the PSK text.

inetd start.

The inetd service has started.

Interface (interface name): Duplicate IP Address (<IP address>).

The same IP (IPv4 or IPv6) address was used. Each IP address must be unique. Check the address of the device indicated in [IP address].

< Interface > started with IP: < IP address >

IP address (IPv4 or IPv6 address) has been set for the interface and is operating.

< Interface >: Subnet overlap.

The same IP address (IPv4, or IPv6 address) and the subnet mask are used with another device.

<inferface name > interface down

The supplicant's interface is invalid.

<inferface name > interface up

The supplicant's interface is valid.

IPP cancel -job: permission denied.

The spooled job was canceled due to error or user request.

IPP job canceled. jobid=%d.

The spooled job was canceled due to error or user request.

job canceled. jobid=< job ID >

The spooled job was canceled due to error or user request.

LeaseTime=<lease time>(sec), RenewTime=<renew time>(sec).

The resource lease time received from the DHCP server is displayed in [lease time] in seconds. The renewal time is displayed in [renew time] in seconds.

Login to fileserver <file server name> (<IP>), <NDS|BINDERY>

When the print server was online, the system logged in to <file server> in NDS or BINDERY mode. The transfer protocol in use is also displayed.

Manual [%s] is disable, set authentication key.

The specified manual SA entry is invalid. Set the authentication key.

Manual [%s] is disable, set encryption key.

The specified manual SA entry is invalid. Set the authentication key.

Memory allocate error.

Memory cannot be obtained. Disconnect the USB cable, and then connect it.

Name registration failed. name=<NetBIOS name>

Name registration of <NetBIOS Name> failed. Change to a different NetBIOS name.

Name registration success in Broadcast name=<NetBIOS name>

Name registration by <NetBIOS Name> broadcast was successful.

Name registration success. WINS server=<WINS server address> NetBIOS Name=<NetBIOS name>

Name registration of <NetBIOS Name> to <WINS server address> was successful.

nbtd start.

The nbtd (NetBIOS over TCP/IP Daemon) has started.

no RADIUS /authentication server

The supplicant has received a message reporting that a usable RADIUS server cannot be found.

Open log file <file name>

The specified log file was opened when the print server was online.

permission denied.

When canceling a job, it was determined after checking the user name and host address that the user's privileges were insufficient. (Does not apply to root privileges.)

Print queue <print queue name> cannot be serviced by printer 0, <print server name>

The print queue cannot be established when the print server is online. Make sure that the print queue exists on the specified file server.

print sessions full

No more print jobs can be accepted. Wait a while before sending any more print jobs.

Required file server (<file server name>) not found

The required file server <file server name> could not be found.


The LPD has started.

session_IPv4 <community name> not defined.

The requested community name is not defined.

session_IPv6 <community name> not defined.

The requested community name is not defined.

Set context to <NDS context name>

The NDS context name <NDS context name> has been set.

server certificate invalid

The server certificate is invalid. Check the server authentication.

server identity invalid

The specified server name is invalid. Check the server authentication.

shutdown signal received. network service rebooting...

The smbd service has started.

smbd start. (NetBIOS)

SMBD (Server Message Block Daemon) has been started.

SMTPC: failed to connect smtp server.

Connection to the SMTP server failed. This could be because no connection to the network has been established, or the network configuration is incorrect, so there is no response from the SMTP server, or the specified SMTP server name is incorrect, or the specified SMTP server IP address could not be found in the DNS server, or a server other than the SMTP server has been specified, or the specified SMTP server port number is incorrect. Check the DNS Server's IP address and SMTP server's IP address, or the SMTP server name and SMTP port number, or the SMTP server's SMTP port number, or the network connection and configuration.

SMTPC: failed to connect smtp server. timeout.

Connection to the SMTP server failed due to timeout. This could be because the specified SMTP server name is incorrect, or no connection to the network has been established, or the network configuration is incorrect, so there is no response from the SMTP server. Check the SMTP server name, or the network connection and configuration.

SMTPC: failed to get smtp server ip-address.

The SMTP server IP address could not be obtained. This could be because:

  • The specified DNS server could not be found.

  • No connection to the network has been established.

  • An incorrect DNS server is specified.

  • The specified SMTP server IP address could not be found in the DNS server.

SMTPC: no smtp server. connection close.

Connection to the SMTP server failed due to no response from SMTP. This could be because a server other than the SMTP server has been specified, or the specified SMTP server port number is incorrect. Check the SMTP server name, port number, or the SMTP server port number.

SMTPC: refused connect by smtp server.

Connection to the SMTP server is denied. This could be because server other than the SMTP server has been specified, or the specified SMTP server port number is incorrect. Check the SMTP server name, port number, or the SMTP server port number.

SMTPC: username or password wasn't correct. [response code] (information)

Connection to the SMTP server failed, because the specified SMTP user name is incorrect, or the specified SMTP password is incorrect. Check the SMTP user name and password.

Snmp over IPv4 is ready.

Communication over IPv4 with snmp is available.

Snmp over IPv 4 over 1394 is ready.

Communication over IPv4 over 1394 with snmp is available.

Snmp over IPv6 is ready.

Communication over IPv6 with snmp is available.

Snmpd Start.

The snmpd has started. This message is displayed only when the power is turned on.


The direct printing service has started.


The IKE service has started.


The bonjour (rendezvous) function has started.


The supplicant is terminating.

success but invalid key

The supplicant received a message reporting that EAP authentication was successful, but the EAPOL key was invalid.

success key received

The supplicant received the EAP-Success key.

supplicant started

The supplicant has started.

supplicant unbound

Although the supplicant has started, the access point is not connected.


The IKE service has stopped because no configurations for manual SA or IKE exist.


The bonjour (rendezvous) function is disabled.

The print server received error <error number> during attempt to log in to the network. Access to the network was denied. Verify that the print server name and password are correct.

Login to the file server failed when the print server was online. The print server is not registered or a password is specified. Register the print server without specifying a password.

There is problem in dhcp server operation.

There is a problem with the DHCP server.

If multiple DHCP servers are active on the network, check that they are assigning unique IP addresses to each machine.

trap account is unavailable.

v3Trap cannot be sent. This could be because the Trap destination account is different from the account specified by the machine.


The authentication failed. The supplicant was denied access to the access point or was not authenticated. This message indicates that the authentication failed. If the authentication fails, this message always appears at the end.

Updated (option name)(value) via DHCPv6 Server

The parameter obtained from the DHCP server has been updated.

usbd is disabled.

Plug and Play is unavailable because the machine is in Security Mode. Enable USBD in Security Mode.

waiting for keys

The supplicant is waiting for the session key.

WINS name registration: No response to server (WINS server address)

There was no response from the WINS server. Check that the correct WINS server address is entered. Also, check that the WINS server is functioning properly.

WINS wrong scopeID=<scope ID>

The scope ID is invalid. Use a valid scope ID.

write error occurred. (diskfull)

A "diskfull" error occurred while the machine was writing to the spool file. Wait for the current print job to finish. When it finishes, more HDD space will be available. Only pages that were spooled when the error occurred will be printed.

write error occurred. (fatal)

A "fatal" error occurred while the machine was writing to the spool file. Wait for the current print job to finish. When it finishes, more HDD space will be available. Only pages that were spooled when the error occurred will be printed.

WSD (Device) started.

WSD (Device) has started.

WSD (Printer) started.

WSD (Printer) has started.

WSD (Scanner) started.

WSD (Scanner) has started.