Log in as the network administrator from Web Image Monitor.
Point to [Device Management], and then click [Configuration].
Click [IPsec] under "Security".
Click [Edit] under "Encryption Key Auto Exchange Settings".
Make encryption key auto exchange settings in [Settings 1].
If you want to make multiple settings, select the settings number and add settings.
Click [OK].
Select [Active] for "IPsec" in "IPsec".
Set "Exclude HTTPS Communication" to [Active] if you do not want to use IPsec for HTTPS transmission.
Click [OK].
“Updating...” appears. Wait for about one or two minutes, and then click [OK].
If the previous screen does not reappear after you click [OK], wait for a while, and then click the web browser's refresh button.
Log out.
To change the transmission partner authentication method for encryption key auto exchange settings to "Certificate", you must first install and assign a certificate. For details about creating and installing a device certificate, see Protecting Communication Paths via a Device Certificate. For the method of assigning installed certificates to IPsec, see Selecting the certificate for IPsec.