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Encrypting Data on the Printer


  • Keep SD cards or USB flash memory devices out of reach of children. If a child accidentally swallows an SD card or USB flash memory device, consult a doctor immediately.

Prevent information leakage by encrypting the Address Book, authentication information, and stored documents as the data is written.

When the data encryption settings are enabled, an encryption key is generated and this is used to restore the data. This key can be changed at any time.

Data that is encrypted

This function encrypts data that is stored in the printer's NVRAM (memory that remains even after the printer has been turned off) and on the hard disk.

The following data is encrypted:

  • Address Book data

  • User authentication information

  • Temporary stored documents

  • Logs

  • Network I/F setting information

  • System settings information


  • If the printer needs to be replaced, the existing data can be transferred to a new printer, even if the data is encrypted. To transfer data, contact your service representative.

Time required for encryption

When setting up encryption, specify whether to start encryption after deleting data (initialize) or encrypt existing data and retain it. If data is retained, it may take some time to encrypt it.


Data to be kept

Data to be initialized

Required time

CarryOver FileSys DataOnly

  • Embedded Software Architecture applications' program/log

  • Address Book

  • Registered fonts

  • Job logs/access logs

  • Spooled jobs

  • Locked Print files / Sample Print files / Stored Print files / Hold Print files

Approx. 1 hour

Carry Over All Data

All Data:

Both the data to be kept

and data not kept when [CarryOver FileSys DataOnly] is specified.


Approx. 2 hours and 45 minutes

Format All Data


All Data:

Both the data to be kept and data not kept when [CarryOver FileSys DataOnly] is specified.

Several minutes

Notes for enabling encryption settings

  • If you use Embedded Software Architecture application or App2Me, be sure to specify [CarryOver FileSys DataOnly] or [Carry Over All Data].

  • Note that the printer's settings will not be initialized to their system defaults even if [Format All Data], [CarryOver FileSys DataOnly], or [Carry Over All Data] is specified.