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Managing the Printer

Managing Log Files

Using Web Image Monitor to Manage Log Files

Logs That Can Be Managed Using Web Image Monitor

Attributes of Logs You Can Download

Specifying Log Collect Settings

Specifying Log Encryption

Downloading Logs

Number of Logs that Can Be Kept on the Printer

Notes on Operation When the Number of Log Entries Reaches Maximum

Printer Job Logs

Deleting All Logs

Disabling Log Transfer to the Log Collection Server

Managing Logs from the Printer

Specifying Log Collect Settings

Disabling Log Transfer to the Log Collection Server

Specifying Delete All Logs

Managing Logs from the Log Collection Server

Managing Device Information

Exporting Device Information

Importing Device Information

Importing the Device Setting Information File of a Server


Managing the Address Book

Specifying Auto Deletion of Address Book Data

Specifying the Extended Security Functions

Other Security Functions

Restricting a Customer Engineer Operation